Steve Ryan
Building Inspector | 8 years 3 months
Steve is a licensed builder for over 14 years.
Howard Ryan
Managing Director | 8 years 3 months
Howard Ryan is a Licensed Builder now for over 45 years. Hes passionate about helping other inspectors to excel. Howard holds a Certificate in Training & Assessment (AITT). He is still a practising inspector, specialising in new residential construction inspections, defect inspections, Mould and Asbestos ID, and DAPs (dispute avoidance processes) and VCAT, NCAT and QCAT Tribunal, Local and District Court residential construction expert matters. He is also the founder of PPI Pre Purchase Inspectors Registry. Howard is an authority in forensic residential construction compliance and property inspections.
His passion is supporting, assisting and mentoring builders, property inspectors and homeowners and being available for their journeys through difficult times and being consistent in the ability to brand the true purpose and performance of Housesafe Training and H&K Ryan & Associates; a family of Builders with sons trained in the art of getting it right.
Howard is the Managing Director of Housesafe Training and H&K Ryan & Associates, a Speaker, Expert Witness and Founder of Australian Affiliation of Building Inspectors and World Affiliation of Building inspectors.